Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Fishy Fowl

As someone has rightly pointed out in a comment to my 'Fowl play no more' entry, the Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul saga does not end there. Too boring to go into details here, but I decided not to take up their so-called renewed and more reasonable offer. The whole thing smells fishy. so that's it for me.
Watch this space for the entry that i pulled out. I mean the piece on teenagers that had got 'accepted' by the Chicken gang.
It's called Some of My Best Friends are Teenagers. I'm feeling lazy to find and upload. Will do it soon.
Blogging is so freeing. No contracts to read carefully, no commissioning editors to put up with and no phaltu launches and what-not. I'm very very tempted, again, to blog-publish my second novel on a weekly basis.


Natasha said...

Me want to read. So please post up pretty soon.

Pallavi Sharma said...

Oi! I guess you didn't see this comment I posted recently on your older post "scattering and regathering"...
This is a swell idea. Did you know that Paulo Coelho did that for the Witch of Portobello?
(at least the first few chapters if not the whole book!)