Saturday, March 28, 2009

Time is relative

While I have whined and ranted at various points in the last 5 years: "who moved my pune" - about the changed look, feel, attitude, air, and priorities of this city, one thing has remained the same, and i am full of sheer gratitude and joy about it.
Pune time is vastly different from Mumbai time. In Mumbai, you wake up, and before you know it, without having done anything at all, it's 11 am. somehow.
in pune, you wake up, walk the dogs, jaw with the neighbour, potter around in your straggly garden, make a cheese cake and a fire-roasted bell pepper dip (i love to say fire-roasted), drink a cup of something, feed the dogs, and you look at the clock and it's 9 am. the whole day is ahead of you and you've already done many fun things. i suspect it's like that in all the second metros? i dont know. i hope it is.


dipali said...

Seems so true. Living in Kolkata my morning is over before I even realise it!

D said...

In Lucknow, it's 11:00 before I know because I wake up 10!

I really think it depends on the time you wake up :/